There will be no more free credit cards which are currently being used extensively. The number increased from more than 2 mil in 1997 to 11mil as at Aug 2009, excluding 285,000 charge cards. To promote prudent spending a service tax of RM50 a year will be imposed on each principal credit card and charge card, including those issued free of charge. There will also be service tax of RM25 a year imposed on each supplementary card. Potential problem looming here? Why is it when it comes to giving to the rakyat, it's in tens or hundreds of million but when it goes to them, it's in billions? 'Together, We prosper'? Who's We, Najib? The worst budget ever presented.. Where are the necessary supportive information? GDP? National Debt? Mere sloganeering budget. Full of lies and deceits! Follow the remaining Here..
Five challenges for Olaf Scholz’s new German government
From the Ukraine crisis to a fourth Covid-19 wave, the incoming coalition
faces a burgeoning in-tray
3 years ago
1 comment:
11 million credit cards x Rm 50.00 = 55,000.000.00.
So who get the money....
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