Monday, March 30, 2009
Bukit Gantang: Stop Using Sultan Perak In Election Campaign!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Overwhelming Support For MB Nizar During Bukit Gantang Nomination Day...
It was a sight to behold as we melted ourselves into the crowd. Once again, the euphoria hit me throughout the walk. Fantastic day for PR!
I ll just let the pictures tell the story as I am sure our MSM would have a field day spinning on the crowd turnout.
BN Crowd

And It Ends Some 8 metres Away
PR Crowd
I would put the crowd turnout to be at a minimum of 35,000 for PR and a maximum of 2,500 for BN. If we were to judge by the supporters turnout, MB Nizar should win this by-election hands down. We won KT, didn't we? And this one is much Bigger for sure. Bukit Gantang is already in the bag.
Bukit Gantang: How Low More Can Umno Stoop!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Guess Who I Meet While On My Way To Bukit Gantang?

Makkal Sakthi
Friday, March 27, 2009
Barisan Rakyat Bloggers Team Marches Into Bukit Gantang And Bukit Selambau Battlefield..
And for those whom I have left out, please do drop a comment and I ll be glad to update my link list.
"Inilah barisan kita, Yang ikhlas berjuang.
Siap sedia berkorban, Untuk ibu pertiwi!
Sebelum kita berjaya, Jangan harap kami pulang!
Inilah sumpah pendekar kita, Menuju medan bakti!
Andai kata kami gugur semua, Taburlah bunga di atas pusara.
Kami mohon doa, Malaysia berjaya!
Semboyan telah berbunyi, Menuju medan bakti!"
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hindraf Brothers And Sisters: Please Do It Right In Bukit Selambau...

Najib's Reform Plans For Umno In Jeopardy?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Umno's Admission Of Their Inferiority In Blogosphere?
SEVERAL speakers at the Umno Youth general assembly today are expected to call for tighter rules to govern the activities of bloggers, particularly socio-political bloggers in the country. The issue, according to a spokesman, would be raised when debating the resolution on religion and education.The consensus among Umno Youth delegates, he said, was that too much freedom was given to these bloggers to the point of it being detrimental to the religious and racial harmony in the country.“The people are becoming more divided, all because of the hurtful statements posted through the many political blogs,” he said.Besides blogs, he said, many delegates are also expected to touch on the Bar Council, which in the minds of many, had allowed itself to become a vehicle championing the causes of opposition parties and the foreign agenda.The movement, he said, felt that the Bar Council had overstepped its role when it began to question matters relating to Islam and the promotion of Islam in the country.“There seems to be a concerted effort on the part of the Bar Council to raise issues relating to Islam, including lately the decision to ban the use of the word Allah by Christian publications,” he added.Youth delegates, he said, would also be expected to touch extensively on Malay rights and royalty, two issues which have been in the news following the Perak crisis.Other issues that would be raised, he said, included the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) and the controversial keris debacle.In Umno Youth, he said, PPSMI was not really an issue although quite a few were expected to voice their reservations.“In general, we understand the need for PPSMI and have full trust in Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein to tackle the issue with wisdom,” he added. (extracted from The Star) Did I not say earlier that they would capitalize on the monarchy issue to justify their actions?
Malaysia's Constitutional Crisis: Remembering History The Way It Is...
Not long after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad became Prime Minister, Umno decided it would eliminate the four branches of government and replace it with only one -- the Executive. This means Malaysia will retain the trappings of a democracy but in actual fact would become a dictatorship.
First to go was Parliament. That is why Barisan Nasional is so paranoid about losing its two-thirds majority in Parliament. Without the two-thirds majority, Barisan Nasional can’t control Parliament. With the two-thirds majority in Parliament they can scream and shout at the opposition and tell the Chinese and Indians to go back to China and India.
Next to suffer was the Judiciary. When the judges demonstrated independence, they were sacked or placed in cold storage or demoted (by transferring them to the Makhamah Dagang at Wisma Denmark where they spend the rest of their career listening to unpaid credit card cases). We saw that happen also in the 1980s.
That left only one institution that needed to be clipped. And that institution was the Monarchy. So the Constitutional Crisis was triggered in the 1980s, twice, and the last independent branch of government hit the dirt.
With Parliament, the Judiciary and the Monarchy neutralised, the Executive became the absolute power in Malaysia. No longer did Malaysia have four branches of government. It was left with only one. And this gave the Executive, the Prime Minister of course, the powers of a dictator.
That was what the Constitutional Crisis was all about and Najib knows this pretty well. Umno wanted to not only neutralise the Rulers but Parliament and the Judiciary as well. And it did, back in the 1980s.
So what crap is Najib talking about? Umno was treasonous. Going by the ‘old laws’, heads would have rolled. Umno and its leaders declared war on the Rulers. When it lost the first time around in the early 1980s, Umno retreated, and after a new strategy was implemented, came back for a second round in the late 1980s and finished what it started a few years earlier.
And this new strategy that Umno adopted was to disgrace and smear the Rulers to the point that the rakyat rose up in anger and demanded that the Monarchy be abolished and Malaysia get turned into a republic. That was how successful Umno’s campaign of hate was. They succeeded in getting the rakyat disgusted enough to want to sack the Rulers and declare the Prime Minister Malaysia’s first President. Let’s call a spade a spade, as Tun Ghazali Shafie was fond of saying. Umno declared war on the Rulers. And they brought the Rulers down through a smear campaign and by using the mainstream media to spin lies. No doubt, some of what they published was true. But much of what they spun was downright lies. For example, they showed photographs of the Sultan of Selangor’s so-called lavish palace on a hill in Penang that was actually the home of a Chinese towkay. They showed photographs of the Sultan of Kedah’s so-called lavish mansion by the sea in Northam Road overlooking the sea in Penang that was actually Rumah Kedah -- which was for the use of any Kedah civil servant who visited Penang. They accused the Sultan of Kelantan of evading tax on the car he imported whereas the Sultan did not evade tax since he was exempted from tax anyway, according to the Kelantan State Constitution. And so on and so forth. And there was much more lies that Umno spun -- which the rakyat believed to be true and which resulted in the rakyat becoming disgusted with the Rulers to the point they wanted the Monarchy abolished and Malaysia transformed into a republic. The Monarchy never recovered from this 1980s attack that it suffered. Until today, the Rulers still remember how dangerous it is to cross Umno. And if Umno says it wants the opposition government sacked and the Pakatan Rakyat Menteri Besar replaced with a Barisan Nasional Menteri Besar the Rulers would never dare say no. Read the rest of the article here.. A true history lesson that need to be recorded here so that more people can be aware of the real reason/s behind the constitutional crisis other than what have been potrayed by those in power
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pak Lah To Step Down On April 2nd? Maybe Not When The Black Magic Is Neutralize...

pix from MobsCrib
Go read blogger Melvin Mah's view

in his Little Taffer's Room.
Will Pak Lah Rise From His Charmed Slumber and Start Flip-Flopping Against Najib? I Certainly Hope He Would..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Aiyoyo Samy, What Talking You? Makkal Sakthi Is Going To Rule In Bukit Selambau.
PKR state rep V Arumugam had to resign as the state exco member and state assemblyperson to safeguard his family from harm.
After attempted bribery failed, they threatened and kidnapped him to coerce him to cross over.
Although he identified the perpetrator, the police released the perpetrator allowing him to make further threats. State legislators Lim Soo Nee and Tan Wei Xu received bullets when they rejected offers of several million ringgit to cross over. Although a video had been taken by the then BPR officer of the negotiations and offer, the only action taken by the MACC was to transfer the officer.
Wake up, Samy and look at the track record after the tsunami. We already have 2 by-elections under our belt. And the two bukit by-elections are just going to be the same. Do not underestimate the force of Makkal Sakthi. And it doesn't ends there. You would have to deal further with the combined forces of Anak Bangsa Malaysia Spirit and the Might of The Barisan Rakyat Bloggers. For more than 2 decades at helm, you didn't do anything for Indian folks and you go around promising that you have project plans for Bukit Selambau folks. Only fools would believe a stunt like that. Samy, go to Hell!
The Spirit
The Might
The Force
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Zaid Ibrahim Does It Again.. Bukit Gantang, Datuk?

Barisan Rakyat Bloggers were indeed honoured to have the chance encounter with Datuk Zaid Ibrahim during our trip to the Kuala Terenganu by-election. It was also during one of our nightly discussion, The Whisperer noticed that Datuk Zaid is a man of few words. There he was, listening attentively to our talks and when he speaks, he speaks volume. The Whisperer cant help but to hold great admiration towards this great man. It was indeed a great pleasure to have this man walking with us for a few days in Kuala Terenganu.
So Datuk, how about Bukit Gantang to relive the KT's spirit? Perhaps, this time We Walk the Anak Bangsa Malaysia talk for A Better Malysia Beyond Racial Segregation. Read his speech here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bukit Gantang: Umno Is Left With Only One Theme Play...

Ultra Racist Ali Rustam Barred: Politics The Umno Way..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Batang Ai: BN Politicians Start Worrying..
Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president James Masing has accused Dayak bloggers of playing politics by raising issues concerning the community.
"The bloggers raising issues about Dayaks are pitting members of the community against one another," said Masing, who is state land development minister, when asked to comment on a Malaysiakini report about the role of Dayak bloggers in the coming Batang Ai by-election.
Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu warned that if PKR wins the Batang Ai by-election, there would be political turmoil in Sarawak.
"The political turmoil in the peninsula could creep into Sarawak, if PKR wins the Batang Ai by-election. Recent incidents in west Malaysia involving PKR and its Pakatan Rakyat partners show that the opposition is disrespectful of culture, customs and even the royal institution.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
60B Stimulus Package: Brace Yourself For Further Inflation
RM10 bil - Easing the burden of the rakyat To assist oil palm and rubber smallholders whose incomes have been affected due to declining commodity prices. RM674 million in subsidies to be allocated to avert price increases of necessities, such as sugar, bread and wheat flour. To provide RM480 million to ensure that toll rates are not increased. With these above measures, the government will allocate a sum of RM27.9 billion for subsidies in 2009. House buyers be given tax relief on interest paid on housing loans up to RM10,000 a year for three years. RM200 million to repair and maintain drains and roads. RM150 million for renovation, maintenance and repairs of welfare homes, fire and rescue stations and quarters, as well as public toilets in mosques, surau and tourist spots. RM1.95 billion to build and improve facilities in 752 schools, particularly in rural areas as well as Sabah and Sarawak, with RM300 million to be used to improve facilities in government-aided religious schools, national-type Chinese and Tamil schools as well as mission schools. RM230 million will be provided to increase the coverage of electricity and water supply in rural areas, particularly in Sabah and Sarawak. RM350 million will be provided for the construction of rural roads. RM1.2 billion to be allocated in Sarawak and Sabah. This include the expansion of Sibu Airport, deepening works at Miri Port, repair and improve infrastructure damaged by floods, upgrading of schools as well as construction of Lawas Training Centre, Kota Samarahan Industrial Estate and tourism facilities. In Sabah, among the main programmes and projects to be implemented include building of Giat Mara centres, Kota Kinabalu Electricity Transmission System, as well as upgrading of schools, roads and bridges. The government to take action to resolve issues related to health services in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah. Existing tax exemption of RM6,000 given on retrenchment benefits be increased to RM10,000 for each completed year of service. Banks to allow retrenched workers defer the repayment of their housing loans for one year.
RM29 bil - Assisting the private sector RM5 billion to provide working capital to companies with shareholder equity below RM20 million. The government to provide guarantee in the ratio of 80:20, that is 80% will be guaranteed by the government and 20% by the financial institutions. To set up an Industry Restructuring Guarantee Fund Scheme totalling RM5 billion for loans to increase productivity and value-added activities, as well as the application of green technology. Securities Commission to implement additional measures to reduce time-to-market to enable companies to raise funds in the capital market in a more efficient and cost-effective manner including doing away with approvals for rights issues by listed companies. A new programme where permanent resident status would be considered for high-net-worth individuals bringing more than US$2 million for investments or savings in Malaysia. RM5,000 discount to be given to car owners, who trade in their cars which are at least 10 years old, for the purchase of new Proton and Perodua cars. RM2 billion for a new LCCT at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which is expected to be ready in 2011. A rebate of 50% on landing charges will be given for a period of two years effective 1 April 2009 to all airlines that operate from Malaysia. Likely to result in lower air fares. Company’s current year losses be allowed to be carried back to the immediate preceding year. An Accelerated Capital Allowance to encourage companies to renovate and refurbish their business premises. The allowance is capped at RM100,000. RM200 million to upgrade infrastructure in tourist spots, diversify tourism products, organise more international conferences and exhibitions in Malaysia as well as improve the homestay programme. RM19 bil - Building capacity for the future To promote domestic private investments, the investment funds of Khazanah Nasional Berhad will be increased by RM10 billion. Khazanah to invest RM3 billion in the telecommunications sector, which among others, will facilitate its subsidiary to improve broadband infrastructure. RM1.7 billion of Khazanah’s investment to go into Iskandar project for the building of infrastructure, hotels, theme parks as well as universities. RM5 billion for 23 projects implemented on off-budget basis, including LCCT at KLIA and the expansion of Pulau Pinang Airport at an estimated cost of RM2 billion and RM250 million. RM2.4 billion for the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to improve telecommunication infrastructure. RM100 million to build sky bridges and covered walkways between buildings, especially in the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur. RM2 billion for private finance initiative (PFI) and public-private partnerships. RM20 million for Radio Televisyen Malaysia to implement several projects to develop the local music industry. All government procurements will be made through open tenders or restricted tenders, except for specific cases. So this is the government spending program. Boom time for cronies and corruptors! How many of these are going to end up as white elephants? Many of these are open to abuses. Another way of telling us that we are seriously in deep shit! Just like those announcement of curbing with shares and property financing before the 1997-98 financial crisis.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Put Najib's PM-Ship On Hold Until He's Clear Of His Involvement in Altantuya's Murder Case...

"A report from the Malaysian police, written on 19th november 2006 and which has been kept secret until now, reveals dry and precise descriptions as to how this young woman, a member of Asian high society, has been killed. In this document, one of the killers, a policeman of the Malaysian Special Branch named Sirul Omar, replied to the questions of an officer at a police station close to the murder scene. “When the Chinese woman saw that I was taking a gun, she begged me to spare her, saying she was pregnant. Azilah (the commanding officer of Sirul) grabbed her and [threw] her on the ground. I immediately shot the left side of her face. Then Azilah took off her clothes and put them in a black plastic bag. Azilah noticed that her hand was still moving. He ordered me to shoot again, which I did”, said Sirul. This is the first confirmation of Altantuya’s assassins’ identity. “Then we carried her body into the woods. Azilah wrapped the explosives around her legs, her abdomen and her head, and we exploded her."
Send Kugan's Murderers To HELL...

Read full independent pathologist report here.. Now let us wait and see what they have to say here. From the first pathologist report and those involved in trying to cover up this murder. Who order this cover up and the falsifying of post mortem report? And to the Pekida moron who made the report against the AG just a few days back, what do you have to say now? Put yourself in Kugan's shoes, I bet you would wimp like a dog and died halfway through the beatings. Can we have the first pathologist's report here for comparison?