Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Altantuya Lives....
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Take On The Just Concluded Hulu Selangor By-Election: A Hollow Victory For BN...

Sunset, Kg Pertak, Hulu Selangor
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Squeaky Clean Kamalanathan? By Umno Standard Kot
Lets Talk About Local And National Issues, Can Ar?

Monday, April 19, 2010
Please Bear With Us...

Uncle Z complained to me just a few hours back that his blood pressure is shooting up. For awhile I thought the heat has gotten to him too but it was those time-out glitches he faces each time he tries to download a picture. Try imagine me having to face his whining and grumbling all day long. And that includes when I am back in KL trying to juggle my time between work and campaign trail. My phone would rang and there he goes again... this, that and whatnot. That's Uncle Zorro. I would start worrying the day he stops whining. Another glitch we faced is that the nearest food outlet is also some 10km away. As always being a jack of all trades but master of none, I am tasked to see to their meals when we are not on campaign trail. That means doing groceries shopping and cook up some edible meals just to fill up their stomach and stop them from complaining further. But let me assure you that all this would be iron out as we get closer to polling day. But please don't expect much from my blog. I am comfortable the way it is looking after their needs as long as I can keep Uncle Z from whining. Meanwhile, keep updating yourself from Uncle Z, Sam Haris, Perisik Rakyat, Shanghai Fish and Hawkeye periodically.
BN Started Cheating Way Before The Announcement Of Polling Date With The Help Of Election Commission...

This is the list of voters who have been transferred to other polling station. All totalled up to around 13,000.
Was there any announcement made by EC to inform voters of this changes? Not even an effort as far as we are concern. What was their intention? And if you study the list, most of the affected area are Pakatan Rakyat stronghold. Piece them together and it is to frustrate voters to discourage them from voting so that EC could further up their tricks with phantom votes. No? Then explain to us why the sudden change without even informing the people.
Pakatan Rakyat better start reminding the people to check their polling station at every ceramah. Better if they can station volunteers equipped with laptops to do on the spot verification at every ceramah to offset this blatant abuse by EC.
Sure looks like BN can only cheat to win as they have run out of ideas on how to win an election fairly and perhaps, they just cant change to rule fairly for the rakyat as it is still lucrative to rape the nation and the people.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Barisan Rakyat Bloggers Back Into Action...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Knowing Your Candidate: Zaid Ibrahim - A Principled Man With A Vision For All Malaysians
This is the man who has spoken the people's language many times. The man who gives hope to all Malaysians that there is still a future for the people of this beloved country if this country is manage in well and proper manner. There is enough to go around for all Malaysians regardless of race.
Mere talks and politician will always be politician given what we have been put through by the corrupted BN regime over the decades.
But after weighing the options available and considering his vision, I will put my last dime and my children's future on his hands to bring about the change.
Give him a chance to walk his talk by voting him into the parliament.
HRP to BN: Seize the Day, Make Fresh Start... Need I Say Further??
Need I say further here? 52 years under BN oppression and merely 2 years under Pakatan Rakyat state rule, is this how they represent the marginalized Indian community? You must be a damn fool to put your faith on them. Hindraf Then and Hindraf Now are worlds apart. But the Hindraf's spirit still lives on strongly in the marginalized Indian hearts. They just need a selfless and sincere leader to guide them. Nonetheless, the Truth is finally Out...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My Message To P Uthayakumar: Get Your Bearing Right Or Face Irrelevancy...

The Fight continues with 'Pournami Pooja' prayers organised by fellow Indian brethens around Hulu Selangor for the release of all ISA detainees. RPK, Barisan Rakyat Bloggers and representatives from the Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia initiative were there in full support.

The Dedicated Fighting Crew