Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Zaid Ibrahim: A Trojan Horse?
And if PKR or DAP is not careful, I am afraid they would be in the same situation given all the recent upheavals that has been happening running up to their respective party's election. These trojans are making their moves strongly. Obviously, there are lots of money involved here and who has all the money and power to do so?At the end of the day, it is the people who would be sucked and fucked in all these political play.What choice do we have now? PR definitely cant takeover Putrajaya in the next general election. At best, they can deny BN a two-third majority. What we can do is to give The Third Force a chance if there is any that is coming up. The Third Force that is going to provide the check and balances in the lawmaking process leaning towards the interest of the nation and the people. An idea too far-fetched it may seems.. It wont be if we put our mind into it and make that little effort. Lets do it for the 14th GE. What Say You?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ku Li Factor To Favor BN In Galas?

Note: Opinion expressed here is of personal capacity.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Whisper Whisper...

Hell! I didn't even know such a campaign existed until Uncle B's text came in. Perhaps, I have been refraining myself from reading news for far too long.. just to avoid all those racist remarks by Perkasa. Racism doesn't have a place in this blog.
But that's not the only reason for the complacency of this blog.
Blogging can be quite a tedious task for someone who can be considered poor in translating thoughts into words. It needs one to stay focus on the subject matter to be able to see what is coming following a series of events.
I cant afford the time and the focus now or at least for the time being. Blogging has taken my focus away from my line of work. So much so, it somehow found its way and interfere with my priorities.
A different approach towards the fight for change for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians is now in force. Talk less and walk more. And periodically, a blogpost or two..
Now back to the core issue.. 'Bloggers For Nurul' which I think is a very good idea.
If PKR wants to take a big step forward, Nurul for DP would be the Big Step Forward. Simply because she is not poison by Umno's decades of dirty politicking. And judging from her talks and walks, she has all it takes to lead and Nurul for deputy presidency would be the first step for the revolutionary change to PKR's flawed culture.
Forget about Azmin Ali.. His initial action against ZI candidacy says a lot about this man. Still stuck in outdated way of politicking. A mysterious man with few words. Most of the time in deep thoughts. Only good for back-stabbing.
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim? He should just concentrate on utilizing his expertise in managing the state's assets and straighten out all the rots of the previous state government.
Since this is a 'one member, one vote' electoral process, the level of maturity of PKR members is put to test.
The nominations that came in shows that the presence of Umno's mindset is still deeply rooted in many of them.
Grima Wormtongue or not, if maturity is to prevails, the choice should be between Nurul or Zaid Ibrahim as DP..
A win-win situation for PKR.
After all, PKR is the weakest link in Pakatan Rakyat but with bloated ego amongst them all.

Friday, August 20, 2010
On The Lighter Note: Stairway To Heaven (Only In Malaysia)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Withering Umno...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Abolish ISA Rally (Amcorp Mall): The Youth Has Awakened! (Updated)

I have attended many walks and vigils to notice this positive transformation. From those who started this wave of change which brought about the political tsunami in 2008 to what it is today..

At the end of it all, I would say....
The Youth Of Today Rocks!
More Pics Here
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Breaking News! Mad Dogs On The Loose...

This piece of news just came in. It is said that the DAP headquarters is, at the present moment being visited by personnel from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Economic Warfare Waged Against The People...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Remembering Dad: One Year Later...

It wasn't exactly easy trying to come to terms with this loss for the family. Each of us have a different set of fond memories with Dad. But at the end of it all, he was a loving, responsible. caring and fine Dad and grandparent. Dad and me travelled a long journey together. He would take me with him wherever he goes and even on his business trip whenever there's school break. I still have many clear memories of my childhood spent with him. Over the years, Dad and me managed to develop a special kind of bond and understanding between us. No need for words between Dad and me. We could almost sense and feel each other's predicament. We were like One. One year has passed since he left. But the memories of his last few months remains etch permanently in my mind. I remembered both of us braving it out together as he slowly fade away. Dad fought on strongly till the end and I took every step with him. That's exactly what Dad did and would have done for me. I miss my Dad... Happy Father's Day
Monday, May 31, 2010
UKM4: What Have They Done Wrong?
What have they done wrong?
They are final year political science student who happened to be caught "carrying and owning CDs and pamphlets expressing support or sympathies for or opposition to a political party contesting in the by-election" during the Hulu Selangor by-election campaigning period as reported by the media.
That's what they want the public to know. That these eligible voting age adults were campaigning on behalf of the opposition. Was there any attempt by the relevant authority and their cahooting media, made to publish the contents of the said materials that these boys were distributing?
I have personally went through the materials and there was no part or whatsoever which indicates their affiliation to any political party. The materials they were distributing were merely carrying a civil awareness message of the rot that continues to plague this country.
Thus, these eligible voting age adults were just exercising their responsibility as part of the civil society.
I repeat here.. Eligible voting age university-going boys. And to use the UUCA against them? Something must be very wrong with this Act.
Yeah, tell me about it!
Sure makes it looks like our universities are just another brainwashing centre for Umno politic.

Do The UKM4 A Favor By Signing The Petition Here.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Patriotism As In Umno's Way...
The Government should revoke the citizenship of Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Cheras Umno division chairman Datuk Syed Ali Alhabshee said.
He said the Government should revoke his citizenship as Raja Petra was no longer keen on staying here.
Furthermore, his activities could affect peace in Malaysia, he said.
“Citizens who are not patriotic should not be given a place here. Raja Petra should be given appropriate punishment for what he has done,” he wrote in his blog
Earlier reports indicated that Raja Petra is now in Britain.
Syed Ali also urged the Government to carry out investigations on corporate figures and private sectors financing Raja Petra.
“If the Government fails to do so, it might give an impression that there are insiders who are in cahoots with Raja Petra. It is strange that the Government is slow in taking action against Raja Petra.” - The Star
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Shall Subsidies Be Reduced? What's Your Say?
So here is the opportunity to air your view rather than a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer.
Malaysia spent RM 74B on subsidies in 2009, causing a fiscal deficit. Should subsidies be reduced?
Please leave your comment..

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dear Pete...

Acceptance is one thing. It just serves as a consolation on one hand. On the other hand, we knew we are going to miss those walks and little parties we had together. And missed, we did. Again, it boils down to accepting this cruel reality. But you need not worry about us here. You singlehandedly brought us together and left us a united bunch of good people. Good people with good hearts and a united spirit to right the wrong, for the people and for the nation.
Time is on our side as patience is virtue.
More pixs Here..
On A Cheeky Note: The Deadly Tsunami...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Why Complain Now? Should Have Ask For A Recount!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Brace Yourself For More Hardship, Malaysians!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Moment Of Truth: Simply Euphoric!

(Pics courtesy of TPU and Rodi)