Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
WTF!! Umno Giving Ceramahs In Penanti?
(Hrkh) - Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebenarnya begitu 'teliur' (teringin) menyertai pilihan raya kecil di Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) N12 Penanti tetapi apa boleh buat ia tidak mendapat perkenan Presidenya, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak yang kononnya tidak mahu terjerat dengan mainan politik pembangkang dan mahu menumpukan hasrat menjana ekonomi.
Di Penanti, walaupun ia tidak mendapat restu penyertaan calon Umno dan BN namun mulai dua malam berturut-turut parti yang hampir tengelam itu mula mengerakkan jentera penerangan ke beberapa buah kampung hatta di luar Penanti dengan harapan rakyat tahu kenapa BN bertindak begitu.
Semalam dikhabarkan Ketua Umno Bahagian Bukit Mertajam, Dato' Musa Sheikh Fazir mengadakan pidatonya di hadapan 50 orang di Bangunan Umno Bahagian Permatang Pauh.
Malam ini Exco Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Lokman Nor Adam dijangka mengadakan peneranganya di Dun Penanti. Sehari sebelum ini beliau sempat bertemu pemuda di Bahagian Tasek Gelugor di Kampung Lubuk Meriam dengan kehadiran 70 orang tempatan. Read more here..
Can we question the police whether the ceramah held by Umno was given any permit? If so, under what circumstances was the permit issued since Umno is a non participant in this by-election? If no permit was issued, why was there no action taken against these illegal assemblers.
Maybe we would like to question our Election Commission on this too. They have been efficient in not allowing flags of Pakatan Rakyat component parties to be used during by-election other than the party contesting. Ok, this is not a flag issue. But the point is why Umno is allowed to give ceramah in Penanti without participation?
Answers, anyone?? MalaysiaKini, why no coverage on this? Andrew Ong? Athi Veranggan?Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Must Read: Another Brilliantly Written Article By Dean Johns..
Dean Johns

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Enforcing Police State In Perak? Judge This Yourself ...

Follow the turn of events here at http://
Wonder who is responsible for all these police highhanded actions? Home Minister or The IGP? - Pics courtesy of CinaIslam blog.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Pakatan Rakyat Carnival At Penanti Nomination Centre...(Updated)
Probably, Pakatan Rakyat felt that there is no point in mobilizing their supporters from all over the country since BN has decided to stay out from this by-election. However, The Whisperer feels that with or without BN's participation, this by-election should be treated as The People's Protest Voice against the administration's abuse of power through judiciary in resolving the Perak crisis. Yet again, further disgracing the country's image to the world.
The PR Supporters Separated By The Cops
I will make this post short as we are required to check out from our hotel by 1:00pm. Meanwhile, try log on to DelCapo picture link for today's shoot and some on-hand report from AnilNetto's blog.
I shall upload my pictures as soon as I get the opportunity to do so.
My apology to all..
But to the Penantians, you can do us a favor by voting for Pakatan Rakyat to register our United Voice in protest against blatant abuse of power, namely, the police force and the kangaroo court of appeal, by those walking the corridors of power.
The Supporters Came Carrying Their Message
Bloggers At Work

Cops At Work?
Do These People Look Thuggish At All? If There Is One, Then Very Likely That One Is A SB
Nizar Arriving To Thunderous Applause And Cheers
A Fitting Resemblance To The State Of BeEnd
Pakatan Rakyat Generasi Baru Making Their Presence Felt (Pics Courtesy Of Topeng Perak)
Barisan Rakyat Bloggers Reporting From Penanti..
Friday, May 22, 2009
Of Najib's 1Malaysia, NEP Abolishment And Police State...
In his maiden speech aired over national television, he told Malaysians that his administration would strive to live up to the slogan "One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now."
Najib, who was sworn-in as the new prime minister early Friday, said that the government would adopt "new approaches for new times -- a government that places a priority on performance, because the people must come first."
His words were laced with certainty as he pledged that none would be left out in the country's pursuit for progress.
"We must reach out to all parts of Malaysia... to all our diverse communities. In our national discourse and in pursuing our national agenda, we must never leave anyone behind," he said.
"We must reach out to the many who may have been disaffected and left confused by political games, deceit and showmanship," he added.
Malaysians tuned in to listen to his prime time address while others logged on to his blog at "" where his text of the speech was promptly uploaded.
He said that in the coming weeks, he would be consulting with people around the country "as I begin to reshape the leadership and priorities of the government."
"I am mindful," he said, "that we should build on the successes and lessons of the past."
He also spoke of his growing up years and said that he was inspired by the positive impact of public service "in the example of my late father (Tun Razak Hussein)" Read more here..
He added that the long-term benefits of ending the scheme would outweigh the "pain".
Launched in 1970, the NEP has remained one of the most divisive aspects of Malaysia's multi-ethnic society. The affirmative action programme uniquely favours the Malay majority over the Chinese and Indian minorities.
Among the benefits, the NEP allows Malays to buy homes at a discount, privileged access to scholarships and higher education and employment in certain sectors. Read more here..
1Malaysia won’t undermine Malay interests – Rais
16 arrested at Teratai candlelight vigil
Wong Chin Huat who worked with BERSIH to call for a wear black day on May 7th to protest the undemocratic seizing of power in Perak by BN was arrested yesterday under Sedition Act. But his idea to protest the day cannot be arrested. If anything it give another reason to wear black tomorrow: to protest Wong’s arrest! Wong is reported to be possible for release today. Watch out for latest development here.
Meanwhile Mat Sabu of PAS was also arrested for planning a mass prayer for the same Perak issue.
Another 5, including PKR’s Cikgu Bard were reportedly arrested in Putrajaya for trying to send a birthday cake with Altantuya’s name to the PM.
Using 7 arrests so far to silence critics ahead of the May 7th State Assembly seating in Perak, has tarnished new PM Najib’s proclaimed liberalisation of the media. `1 Malaysia’ shows its Big Bro connotation quick!
Meanwhile the criticisms against the May 7th crack down has grown-with Penang’s CM calling Penangites to wear black tomorrow; DAPSY called upon public to do a sit in in front of Perak State Assembly tomorrow. over 30 NGOs condemned the arrests and called for Wong and others’ release.
The Silver State loses its shine
The Malaysian Bar
In the end, on Thursday, May 7th 2009; all hell broke loose. Perak State Assembly was chaotic, people were arrested here and there & 5 lawyers were also arrested when they wanted to see their clients etc.
Now, I am not a Pakatan member, and so I am not a mouthpiece for Pakatan. My views are formed after reading the newspapers, blogs and also talking to MPs from both side of the fence. So, as a Rakyat, a Voter, and an Anak Malaysia; this is my personal opinion:-
1. Karpal Singh was surrounded by UMNO Youth members in Parliament a few months ago. These UMNO youth chaps acted aggressively and threateningly. Yet when this issue was raised in Parliament, the Speaker had concluded that Parliament was quasi-autonomous and therefore Police could not get involved in UMNO Youth’s siege of Karpal in Parliament House.
But on Thursday, 7th May 2009, the Police had stormed into Perak State Assembly to remove Speaker Sivakumar out of the Hall. Police actually pulled and dragged Sivakumar out of his seat. No autonomy at Perak State Assembly, I guess.
2. BN mocks Anwar about Party Hopping to justify what it did in Perak, but yet Pakatan did not carry out the party-hop plan, and instead BN not only planned (and carried out) the party hop but also used brute force tactics to take over the Assembly Hall on the 7th May.
BN has shown Malaysia that it seems capable of doing anything, including using force to seize power. That message is clear to all Malaysians, particularly those who have seen the videos of Sivakumar’s eviction from his seat. It will remain etched in the minds of the people.
3. The Police Force has lost its aura of independence a long of time ago. People now mock the police for its corrupt practice and unfair treatment of people, and what happened on Thursday night at Brickfields Police Station with the arrest of 5 lawyers from the Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre (who merely wanted to see 14 people arrested for a candle vigil) illustrates that.
When Police arrests lawyers during the performance of their duties, you know something is not right. The right of an arrested person to see their lawyer is fundamental in a civilised society and could it be that last Thursday’s incidents is an indication that our country has become a jungle where the rule of law doesn’t apply. I hope not.
Najib’s Latest Strategy: Perception War
Raja Petra Kamarudin
There will be a lot of window-dressing and some will be made to appear as more than just window-dressing. But what is going to be the thrust of the strategy will be the battle on the political front. Read more here..
Read RPK's Message Clearly: Nothing Is Gonna Stop Me Now...

I made it very clear there would be no negotiations. How can I agree to bribing police officers to get my son off the hook after speaking out against crime, corruption, abuse of power and cover-ups of criminal acts by those who walk in the corridors of power?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
I offer no excuses. My wife, Marina, and I have five children, all now grown up. Four have made a life for themselves -- two are now married and have blessed us with four grandchildren. One, Raja Azman, left home when he was still in lower secondary school and chose to end all ties with the family. That was about 18 years ago or so.
Since he left home, he has been in and out of trouble, the result of living on the streets and sleeping in the back alleys of Kuala Lumpur. Invariably, life on the streets like an urchin turned him into what he is today.
Muslims believe that heaven lies beneath the feet of one’s mother. It is therefore seldom a Muslim mother would bring herself to curse her offspring. Doing so would condemn that child for eternity. That is what Muslims believe.
My wife made it very clear to our prodigal son that he turns his back on the family and resorts to a life of crime at his own peril. It does not matter the severity of the crime. Crime is crime whatever it may be, big or small. And is it not the tendency that petty criminals eventually migrate to hardcore crimes? He therefore invites his mother’s curse if he brings shame to the family. That was my wife’s final word on the matter.
Our son was warned that if he ever got into trouble he was entirely on his own. He can’t expect the family that he has disowned to rally to his side. He has made his bed so he must now lie in it. That was our irrevocable and uncompromising stand and this was delivered in no uncertainty to our son. He would have to make the decision as to what it was going to be.
Marina and I received a phone call a couple of months ago that our son, yet again, was in trouble. It was a call from a police officer. The phone was passed to our son so that we could be assured he was in the hands of the police. Although it was a huge disappointment to both of us, it was no shock, neither a surprise. This was yet another brush with the law that our son has got himself into over more than a decade.
The purpose for the phone call became clearer after our son handed the phone back to the police officer. They wanted to negotiate a settlement. The problem is small, we were told. This can be settled easily enough. They know we would rather bury this problem than let it become public knowledge. We are, after all, high profile. And bad publicity such as this would not help our image.
I made it very clear there would be no negotiations. How can I agree to bribing police officers to get my son off the hook after speaking out against crime, corruption, abuse of power and cover-ups of criminal acts by those who walk in the corridors of power? Sure, maybe no one would know about it. Once I pay up, the matter will be buried so deep no one would be the wiser. But I would know. My wife would know. My family would know. And the police officers who I had bribed would know.
How can I continue speaking out against what ails this country when I am not able to walk the talk? It is so easy to talk when you have nothing to lose, except maybe your freedom. But when it comes to a member of your family, you compromise your principles and violate the very thing that you speak out against.
When I hung up the phone, I could see the pain in my wife’s heart. After all, are not the eyes the window to the heart? Which mother can abandon a child, never mind how evil that child may be. It takes a very determined woman to put principles before the welfare of the family.
We knew it was with dire consequences that we had turned down the offer to settle the matter. We would be made to pay dearly for our stubbornness. They would make sure that we would suffer shame never before suffered by our family.
My children are devastated. The thought of our son having to spend a good part of his life in prison is only part of it. The fact that he carries the family name and that this would be held against the family was their main concern. They knew we would be made to suffer for what Raja Azman had done.
This was a predicament we would never be able to avoid. It would have been so simple to just agree to meet the police officers and pay them the money they wanted and all would have been settled. But it would have been settled only for that short moment in time. I would have to carry the knowledge that I sold out my principles and was not able to walk the talk for the rest of my life.
How can I continue doing what I am doing knowing that I am not able to practice what I preach? I would lose the moral high ground and would no longer be qualified to talk about change and about a better Malaysia. I am, after all, as corrupted as those people who walk in the corridors of power. My son may walk free. But I shall be taking his place in prison -- not a physical prison, but a prisoner of my own nagging conscience, which will haunt me till my last day on earth.
As a father, it was a most difficult choice I had to make. It was more difficult for Marina, the mother who gave birth to that son. We held each other’s hands and looked each other in the eye without speaking. Words were unnecessary. In that silence our hearts did all the talking. We knew we had to bite the bullet and face whatever lies ahead of us without wavering.
Marina and I apologise to the nation for what our son has done. As parents, Marina and I accept that responsibility.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Why Bark Up The Wrong Tree? The Whisperer Ponders On...
1) His submission of the three resignation letters of the frogs to Election Commission should not be rejected by EC as EC does not have that jurisdiction to challenge it in the first place. The respond by EC toward The Speaker clearly confirmed that Sivakumar was still effectively The Speaker at that point of time.
2) Subsequently, he suspended Zambry and six others assemblymen within the power of the speaker vested in him and this ruling cannot be overturn or challenge by any court of law according to the constitution. Any ruling made by any court of law is then deemed unconstitutional and is therefore not recognizable by the Perak state assembly.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Amazing Speech With Lot Of Hidden Values For Our Government
Moral Of This Speech Is
Walk Your Talk!!
We Are Smarter Than You Think..
Special thanks to Zorro's blog commentator, Nick, for the transcript of the speech.
"Hello, I’m Severin Suzuki, speaking for ECO, the Environmental Children’s Organization. We are a group of four twelve and thirteen year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference …
We raised all the money ourselves to come 5,000 miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today I have no hidden agenda. I’m fighting for my future. Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points in the stock market.
I am here to speak for all future generations yet to come.
I am here to speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.
I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet because they have nowhere left to go.
I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in the ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air because I don’t know what chemicals are in it. I used to go fishing in Vancouver, my hometown, with my dad, until just a few years ago we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear about animals and plants going extinct every day - vanishing forever.
In my life, I have dreamed of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles, and rain forests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.
Did you worry about these things when you were my age?
All this is happening before our eyes, and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions. I’m only a child and I don’t have all the solutions, but I want you to realize, neither do you!
You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don’t know how to bring the salmon back up a dead stream. You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct. And you can’t bring back the forests that once grew where there is now a desert.
If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it!
Here, you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organizers, reporters, or politicians. But really you are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles. And all of you are somebody’s child.
I’m only a child, yet I know we are all a part of a family, five billion strong - in fact, 30 million species strong. And borders and governments will never change that. I’m only a child, yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world toward one single goal.
In my anger, I am not blind, and in my fear, I am not afraid to tell the world how I feel. In my country, we make so much waste. We buy and throw away, buy and throw away. And yet northern countries will not share with the needy.
Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to lose some of our wealth, afraid to let go.
In Canada, we live the privileged life with plenty of food, water, and shelter. We have watches, bicycles, computers, and television sets.
Two days ago here in Brazil, we were shocked when we spent time with some children living on the streets.
And this is what one child told us:“I wish I was rich. And if I were, I would give all the street children food, clothes, medicine, shelter, love, and affection.”
If this child on the street who has nothing is willing to share, why are we who have everything still so greedy?
I can’t stop thinking that these children are my own age, that it makes a tremendous difference where you are born.I could be one of those children living in the favelas of Rio.I could be a child starving in Somalia, a victim of war in the Middle East, or a beggar in India.
I’m only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this Earth would be.
At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world. You teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?
Do not forget why you are attending these conferences, who you are doing this for — we are your children. You are deciding what kind of a world we will grow up in.
Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying, "Everything’s going to be all right.” “We’re doing the best we can.” “It’s not the end of the world.”But I don’t think you can say that to us anymore.
Are we even on your list of priorities?
My dad always says, “You are what you do, not what you say.”
Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown-ups say you love us.I challenge you, please, make your actions reflect your words.
Thank you for listening."
Timely Reminder For The Record...
The article also contains a long, long catalogue of crimes and incompetency, although these are just "the tip of the iceberg" according to its author. They include:
The Bank Bumiputra scandals of the early 1980s (Cost, RM3.2 billion)
Maminco’s 1980s attempt to corner the global tin market (RM1.6 billion)
Bank Negara losses on foreign exchange futures in the 1990s (RM30 billion)
Perwaja Steel losses (RM2.56 billion)
Bank Islam scandal (RM700 million)
Wang Ehsan from Terengganu oil royalty (RM7.4 billion)
Shoring-up of Valuecap Sdn Bhd with public funds (RM10 billion)
Commissions to Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd on fighter and submarine deals (RM910 million)
Non-itemised IT equipment purchased for schools (RM2.21 billion)
Soft loan to PKFZ (RM4.63 billion)
Customs, Immigration and Quarantine complex for cancelled crooked bridge to Singapore (RM1.3 billion)
Compensation to Gerbang Perdana for cancellation of crooked bridge contract (RM300 million)
Two bailouts of Malaysian Airlines System (RM7.9 billion)
Bailout of Putra LRT system (RM4.5 billion)
Bailout of STAR-LRT system (RM3.256 billion)
Bailout of Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam (RM8.3 billion)
Compensation paid to 20 highway companies, as announced in 2006 (RM38.5 billion)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Did R.S. Thanenthiran Prostituted Himself To BN?

Friday, May 15, 2009
Perak Fiasco: Talk? What Talk? On What Grounds??

The People's Prime Minister? Bah Humbug!!
“Barisan is not afraid to face fresh elections. We know we have to face the rakyat and we will face the rakyat when the time comes.” Why then create the mess in the first place?"
"Only the Sultan of Perak had the jurisdiction to call for a state election". That's right and why didn't he?