Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Zaid Ibrahim Speaks Out... Worthy Read!
Raja Petra blogging his first piece from Kamunting..
“Please send MT readers’ my Hari Raya greeting and thank them for remembering me and to continue supporting Malaysia Today. Malaysia Today now belongs to them and they will have to keep MT going until I am out to make that change”.
- Greetings from Raja Petra through Marina
What say you people out there? For me, He inspires me in many ways and for that, His Legacy shall lives on in me... Doing something simply because It is the Right Thing to Do...
Sadly, in this country, doing what is right comes with a heavy price. Doesn't make sense at all. Something is very wrong somewhere. That is Why we Must go on Fighting as It is The Right Thing to Do now!!
Market Trend: Cash Is King!!!

With such worrying scenario, Cash remains the King. Why would investors risk their money in situation like this. Other than cash, Gold would be a better instrument to invest in to hedge against the sorry state of US economy coupled with all the 'scandals' behind the bailed out. Sorry to be sceptical here. Sorry if I am being too direct here. Just my nature to make my statement the way I see it without holding back. The lawmakers can say what they want but the truth is they knew US is fucked for sure. High chance that US economy is heading towards Depression. How one country survive would very much be dependent on the efficiency and the flexibility of the administration. How are they going to cope with such negative scenario? Bailing out is not the answer here. Not a time to be aggressive. Keep interest rate low. Push for more mergers and acquisitions.
Time to consolidate and feel the pain. Update 10:45am
Monday, September 29, 2008
Keep It Coming... We, The People have been Dared!!!

Time for Us to Show Them that We Mean Business and We are Here to Stay!!
Now who is telling the truth - time for heads to fall...

Temple demolition? So many conflicting stories.. Ronnie Liu said that the state government had issued a directive to all local councils to halt action against places of worship when it came to power and it was Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) officers that have had acted in defiant. Then the next day, Ampang Member of Parliament Zuraida Kamaruddin of PKR claimed that the temple was demolished by its own committee to make way for renovation and a face lift without consulting or seeking approval from the state government. On the same day, Selangor Health, Estate Workers and Caring Government committee chairmanDr Xaxier A. Jayakumar said that five to six MPAJ enforcement officers were involved in tearing down the Sri Mahakaliamman shrine. Take a good look at this picture (stole from zorro without permission).
It is a demolition for sure. Question is Who Did It!! If it is the temple committee who did it, then they ought to be ostracized for showing disrespect to their deities just by placing them around in such a disrespectful manner. But if it is indeed the handiwork of the council, then we really have some serious problems at hand. This is an blatant act of disrespect towards other religion and they have been crying out aloud that they have been tolerant... Excuse me!! Who is tolerating Who? We don't go around vandalising or demolishing places of worship nor do we go around making racist remarks trying to stamp supremacy over another races. Pakatan Rakyat need to take a serious view over this matter. If the Mind starts losing control over the movement of its limbs, it's better to have the limbs amputated before they do further irreversible damage to the credibility of this coalition. And this is exactly what is happening to Pak Lah. He called for reforms but his Home Minister did exactly the opposite - mocking the Judiciary and the Law repeatedly. Chaotic situation within Umno now. We can learn from their foolishness. It is time for Pakatan Rakyat to put down it's feet. If any of their officers in their duties breaches the religious and racial lines, they should be serious reprimanded and be sacked if found guilty regardless of their ethnic status or position. These people don't deserve to be in any position to serve the rakyat. Period!! There is no other way around this. Back to you, MB Khalid. Walk your Talk. Leave No Stones Unturned. We Are Watching You!! The People Thirsts for Disciplinary Actions!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ponder on this...

something light for the weekend....
Umno Imploding? Possible and The Show Has Just Begun..
Pak Lah is smart and very sly. He is not going to give up the PM to Najib while under pressure. It is a known fact he does not like Najib and only tolerates him . He chose Najib as a DPM because he has dirt on Najib. Do not spend to much time reading into PaK Lah but watch Khairy's wheeling and dealing with Anwar. Khairy is throwing the support behind Anwar and to stay relevant. He will not show his hand but have his people support Anwar.
In the mean time as soon as Umno is out of power he will consolidate his power in UMNO by instigating a witch hunt. Najib and the others who plotted against Pak Lah will be surrendered to Anwar with evidence to prosecute them in court. These senior UMNO plotters when convicted and will be bar from political office. He will rebuild UMNO and will have UMNO allied with PR has a stragetic partner. MCA/MIC/Gerakan and other BN parties will be left high and dry if by this time they have not gone over to PR. Khairy knows once he has made UMNO strong and he can bid for power in PR as a stragetic partner. This is the only way for Khairy to survive. Do not write off Khairy.
Read the Anwar's PR statements that the BN MPs do not necessary need to cross over to support the PR government. This way Khairy keeps UMNO intact and mold into a progressive party in the mold of PKR. UMNO will remain a Bumiputra party but the UMNO constitution will be change to bar racial politics and statements by UMNO members. In 2 or 3 years Khairy will made a bid for PM with the blessing of PR.
He will prove that UMNO without the racist will be a assest to PR and the people.Pak Lah in next fews days is going to get the King to call Anwar to show prove that he has the backing of the majority of the MPs. What Pak Lah is saying in the media is a wayang kulit to keep his enemies in UMNO off balance. This is the only way to say his legacy and history will judge him as a man who place the country before himself.
As the days get neared to the suppose target day, the haze suddenly stars to clear as the plot / script becomes clearer.
Anwar Ibrahim as say very famously "why wouldn't Abdullah Badawi want to meet me, He is my friend". This statement is to assure Abdullah Badawai the he Anwar has not ditched the plan agreed by both of them.
Abdullah Badawi when he says something but means the opposite. He says no Emergency session of Parliament is planed but what he is try to say is that there will be a emergency session of Parliament in the next few days. Abdullah knows that for UMNO to survive, it has to be reformed, getting rid of the self serving UMNO warlords and be in the opposition and reflect on it self. When UMNO is in the opposition, it will be easy to rid the party of the Warlords. Simple reason is to hand them over to the PR government with evidence for prosecution.
Khairy is the Middle and point man between Anwar and Abdullah. Remember when he returned Anwar's passport personally to Anwar on his release from prison. Khairy knows if he wants to succeed, he must get rid of the obstacles in UMNO. Down the line after 2 to 3 years UMNO in the opposition, UMNO been reformed will be invited by PR to be a partner. Anwar will be PM for another 9 years and when he reaches 70, Khairy will be the PM by virtue of the largest party in PR. These 9 years Khairy will work to polish his image and the public will be grateful that he was instrumental in placing Anwar in power and getting rid of racial politics. He will prove to be an even better PM that Anwar.
Najib , ooh Poor Najib. He has already got a smell on the plot (But too late) and had to call of his visit to the Middle East. Najib knows that Anwar with Abdullah's backing have sent the letter to the King to seek an audience with the King. Najib is trying to foil the plan. Once Anwar has the audience, Abdullah will have Parliament in session. Najib is no longer the Defense Minister (Abdullah's master stoke) and can not call on the Armed Forces to effect a coup d-eta. Najib is working hard now to marshal the BN MPs and trying to prevent the defections. All is lost now for Najib. It is too late for him as he has already been checkmate by Khairy . Najib must be wondering about his fate either in exile, prison or in the hangman's noose.
Syed Hamid has played the dumb Interior minister to the hilt and deserves an Oscar. He has as per plan made UMNO and the government unpopular with the tactic approval of Abdullah / Khairy. When the BN government falls, no pity will be felt for UMNO. Khairy knows he needs to get rid of the 40 to 60 years old warlord if he wants to be PM in 9 years time.
Mahathir, poor Mahathir, he was sucked into the plan unknowingly by Abdullah and Khairy. He made the Government very unpopular when he criticized the Government. Including washing the dirty laundry in the public. He is a has been and would not be of any use now to anybody. He is an old man past his glory days.
Muyuddin is just a stooge of Najib to force Abdullah out as a PM. This is only role and he has no more value except spending time in Prison.
The intense infighting in UMNO for the Premiership is one of the most telling factors as of why Taib Mahmud Chief Minister has swung his support behind Anwar. You have may or may have not notice that Taib Mahmud is been silent. He is very much pissed off at the attitude of UMNO warlords. He state and Sabah (UMNO) hold the balance of power. He has not been consulted as who will succeed Abdullah. As a senior BN leader and the second biggest party fraction in BN, he is not getting the due respect from UMNO. Taib have already sounded Anwar that he will have the support of PBB MPs and some of the other Sarawak BN MPs. It is too late for Najib now to reconcile Taib to his side. Remember it is also important to keep you friends and partners informed on important decisions. Taib knows that his days are getting fewer and fewer as he will not live long enough. His family influence is Sarawak may die with him and PBB and its allies will be wiped of in the next Sarawak state elections. His son's and relatives political fortunes and their riches and wealth must be safe guarded. Hence the alliances with Anwar will safe guard his legacy and empire in Sarawak.
Majority of MCA MPs are in a dilemma and state of shock. They have been told point blank by Anwar that he does not need their MPs to have a majority in parliament. Anwar has offered them a place in PR, provide DAP approves it and no special favors. MCA as a party will not be accepted in PR because DAP is already championing the Chinese rights. A few MPs will join DAP and PKR as not to miss out on their political careers.MIC is a no no and have not been offered a place in PR nor their MPs.
MIC will die a natural death and no CPR can help them to live.
Gerakan is already a has been party and the party will die and natural death once the MPs join PKRUMNO is in a very serious coma state. It will remain so until the end of the year and will come out of coma once Khairy is the leader.
Najib is having his people camping day and night out at the istana and having the King followed. Can not do much as Syed Hamid has told the police to stand down and make sure the security of the King.
The King has already informed the fellow brother Sultans of Anwar's letter. There is going to be an emergency meeting tonight or tomorrow of the sultans and Agung. This could be a Video conference meeting or a formal meeting to discuss Anwar's letter. Abdullah will attend the meeting to lend his support to Anwar's letter.
Abdullah is a good and sincere man and tried to make the country better. The UMNO warlords did not let him. His legacy for Malaysia was to be reforms of the police, judiciary, economy, Education, racial and religious rights of all races and religions.
Anwar is now on a standby mode and within an earshot once the King summons him. He is very heavily protected as talk in the streets is that his life is in danger. Knowing Anwar he will laugh out this threat.
More and more MPs are getting into the Anwar band wagon. They all know it is credible that he has the numbers.
Tonight is going to be a long night and tomorrow is going to be even longer.
Khairy is busy as a beaver and fine tuning the necessary details and arrangements to have a smooth change over from Abdullah to Anwar as a PM.
The police and immigration has been given a list of people who are barred from leaving the country and Bank Negara has a list to inform the banks to freeze the accounts of the names mentioned.
The Royalty and deciding factor in the battle between Najib's UMNO –BN (I did not mention Abdullah Badawi as it is not his fight but Najib's fight with Anwar) and Anwar's PR
The flexing of the Royalty powers in Terengganu, Perlis, Perak and Selangor
Perlis – the Raja of Perlis has been a career military man until he was made a Raja Muda and then Raja of Perlis. He has known the excess of the pervious MB. He knew Abdullah after the near defeat of BN in the 13th General elections has not stomach for any fight. He has given up in the face of the massive reversal of his political fortunes. Sharidan was the guinea pig which the Malaysian royalty was to experiment one to see if they still have the powers. Abdullah was unknowingly dragged into the experience. The plot (Experiment) was agreed by the brother Sultans to test the resolve of Abdullah Badawi. Raja of Perlis started the ball rolling when he refused Shahidan to take the oath of MB of Perlis. The success of this experiment spread like wild fire to the royal states. This in effect was payback to BN for humiliation in public and curbing of their powers.
Terengganu was a small experiment for a later much larger stage (which is now been played out in KL – The play is called the testing of the Agung's constitutional powers in appointing the PM. We all know how it is going to turn out now. Again is Terengganu the excess of the pervious state government was noted and the MB was shown the way out. Another successful experiment and not a whimper from Abdullah Badawi. All systems go and Anwar was encouraged to make a go for the PM post.
Selangor and Perak another set of experiment to see if PR will respect, all successful. Now is the eyes of the public the royalty has been redeemed.
Najib was not promoted to Finance ministry but moved out as a request from the King. The King feared chaos with Najib as the defense minister during these trouble times. Najib does not think twice when it comes to a violent decision as in the case of the Mongolian girl.
The Royalty in effect hijacked some of the constitutional powers of the PM who meekly surrender it to the Royalty. The Agung and Sultans will act on the advice of the PM, but this is no more the case now.
If Mahathir has not curbed the Royalty powers and humiliate them in Public, the royalty will not be taking the side of Abdullah's BN. Milk is spilled and no point crying years later. The seed of this chaos was planted by Mahathir 20 years ago and now it has grown into a monster. The people are all behind the Agung now and that is where the power is "THE PEOPLE".
Thursday, September 25, 2008
That Night At The Forum: From a Different Perspective..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Malaysia slips in Corruption Rankings: Would be surprise if we don't slip much further...

"This shows that there are a number of countries that have progressed much better than us," said Transparency International (Malaysia) president Ramon Navaratnam.
Navaratnam was referring to Singapore, which topped the list in South East Asia with a score of 9.1. Overall, the island state was placed fourth among 180 countries assessed.
By comparison, Malaysia came out 47th in the overall list, compared to 36th placing it secured in 2001 when the index had surveyed only 91 countries.
However, Malaysia still managed to stay above other regional neighbours such as Thailand (3.5), Vietnam (2.7), Indonesia (2.6), the Philippines (2.3), Cambodia (1.8) and Burma (1.3).
"The high degree of corruption that still exists in these economies could impair business efficiency, obstruct or slow down cross border trade and makes doing business more expensive and riskier," Navaratnam said.
Read in full here..
Still no improvement despite the call to reform. I would not be surprise if our ranking drop further mainly due to the refusal by our authorities to reform. Reforms means more drastic policy changes which have been generous and enriched them thus far. It has always been their type of policies that breeds rampant corruption. Perhaps, we need to be thankful as we are still rank here because of their inability to implement their projects mainly due to limited funds plus all those internal infighting as to who will get the better slice of the economic cake which is always laced with big commissions.
It is indeed a blessing to the people that all these so called mega projects are stalled at this moment. At least, it gives the new leadership the chance to review and revise the feasibility and the cost structure of these projects in question.
Deutsche Bank on Malaysia: A cocktail of negative trends...
RPK Kamuntingized For Two Years...

Only yesterday, the habeas corpus hearing which was scheduled for 26th September was brought forward to today, 23rd September, at 9am at the High Court, Criminal Court 2, Kuala Lumpur Court Complex, Jalan Duta, before Justice Suraya Othman.

Look around you.. Many of your colleagues has awakened to the fact that the people's voice need to be acknowledged. But there you go around continuing to ignore the wishes of the people and abusing your power without giving any regards to the intelligence of the people. The people could not see any justification behind this Section 8(1) detention. As we see it, it is only based on your personal justification which is clearly politically motivated. Again, ISA has been wrongly abused for the wrong reason.
Monday, September 22, 2008
market trend: a whole new horizon?

Just as i posted my view on US Treasury call for a balance sheet cleanup, the US authorities jointly came out with a rescue plan to save Wall Street:
Friday, September 19, 2008
market trend: some interesting points for all to ponder on...
The message here is clear. It is time for us to lick our wounds and pray that our Real Economy is going to get us out of this subprime shit. That is for US and these will definitely takes time to materialize. To me, Dow is going to remain volatile for the time being with more downside until the state of their Real Economy dictates the direction of their capital market.
When US goes into that mode, then only we can see some actions in other part of the world. Simply because funds cannot lie ideal for long. There will be some creation of themes and hypes. Asia would still be their favourite haunt as Asia countries were spared from subprime woes.
And for us, we clearly have our own problem here. Politically, we are at a crossroad. Uncertainty looms. And it is not about who wins or who prevails at the end of it. It is about whoever that leads this country having the ability to reform and steer us away from this regulated system. Good human rights record, free market, good business climate and good governance are some of the important factors that funds look at. And until we straighten out ourselves, don't expect too much here. In fact, my calculation tells me we have 2-6 months to do so. That's based on cycles.
Technically speaking, our index broke 970 level momentarily with the help of a 4 over percent drop in Dow. That was a strong support level. Anytime when there is a breached of support level, a technical is inevitable. I did made my stand known to 2 friends but i was reluctant to commit due to our political scenario. The USD247B injection into capital market would stabilize the world market momentarily. It is seen as a measure to soften the landing but the fact remains: damage has been done. Not forgetting the recent collapse in commodities derivatives... many funds got burnt and yet to unfold.. On the local front, again we need to monitor the volume. Overhead resistant is cap at 1035, 1056/57 and the strongest is at 1067/8. Again any breach of these level, do expect a major retracement. Catch my hint?? Personally, after missing that 970 yesterday, I would stay sideline for the moment. Once volume dwindle and resistant level hit, i might take a short and go for 20-30 points. Again, the index futures is still a better instrument to make a punt. Forget about shares for the time being.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No Further ISA Arrests: To Believe or Not to Believe...
Come On PM, Give Us A Break, Will You!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Lallang got his way and is now the Finance Minister...
I really doubt their ability. It would be a blessing if they don't sink us down further. However, at this very moment, our share market reacted negatively to this piece of news. Ironic, isn't it? Possibly due to the threat of a further ISA dragnet. ISA dragnet is interpreted as a threat to national security at this juncture.
Read news in full here..
Strong Messages from Zaid Ibrahim: A Tribute from The Whisperer...

When you said you have failed, what exactly have you failed in?
I have failed to convince those in authority to effect changes about how this government should move forward. I failed to convince them.
I believe in the basic principle that this country respects all rights and citizens. This country is for all, there is no room for discrimination, this country is about rule of law and transparency, these are the things that we need to change.
If you don’t subscribe to these principles or just pay lip service to them, it will be difficult to translate (these) into policies. This is my feeling.
You are adamant about resigning despite the prime minister rejecting it?
I am not adamant, I am just saying that I have made up my mind. I thank the prime minister for asking me to take leave but I have my point, I think it’s best I leave (resign).
Why are you giving up on your efforts to push for reforms?
This is not giving up, this is paving the way for transformation. In a way I hope (my decision) can wake up people and result in some changes, that’s my hope, to trigger some positive changes.
You’ve been brought in to the cabinet to introduce judiciary reforms, what is going to happen to that?
All these (questions) you have to ask after December (Umno party polls,). I don’t know, you have to ask the prime minister, maybe he will re-organise the cabinet and supreme council (line-up who) will be more supportive (of reforms). It depends on so many things, I can’t answer that.
Will judiciary reforms come to a stop with your resignation?
I don’t know, you will have to ask the new prime minister (smiles), or rather the prime minister.
Are you disappointed with Prime Minister Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi)?
He is a nice man. He has other things to deal with that I may not know (of). Remember he is the party president, I am just an ordinary guy, I don’t have to worry about other things, he may have other things to worry about, you have to ask him.
Did the prime minister support your reforms?
Within the constraints he got, yes, he was supportive but he got constraints.
Do you think the internal party conflicts are hindering his ability to be an effective prime minister?
I believe so. That’s why I feel that things will be better - for the government or the Barisan Nasional - after December.
Do you think if Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim forms government, you will have the support to initiate reforms?
I just hope that anyone who forms the government - be it Abdullah, Najib Abdul Razak, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Muhyiddin Yassin or Anwar - I don’t care who - but I just want all those (things on) my wish list to be transformed. That is of course my hope, but as I said we have to see what happens first.
What's next for you - still with Umno or join PKR?
It’s a very difficult question. The reforms I talk about, I got much criticism from Umno. Sometimes I think I should have changed (to be) like them instead of me trying to change them.
I do have some problems (in Umno) but at the same time I don’t know PKR well, I don’t know the leaders, so it’s too early to say but I have an open mind and I’m not in a hurry to make any decision.
Have you been courted by the opposition?
Courted? The last time I was courted was 30 years ago (laughs). No, but I have friends all over the place who call up but these are things happening to everybody.
But there is a rumour that you are joining PKR?
No, I have not made any decision of joining anybody. I am just saying that I have to do this. I hope it will trigger some good things, it will trigger some changes on the people in power, self-reflection and I hope the prime minister will overcome his challenges without the burden I carry (on him).
Are you going back to practice?
I don’t think so. I want to start a foundation to help build closer relations among the people in this country. I think race discrimination, prejudice and race relations are very bad. When I was young, I remember I thought we had much closer interracial (ties). Today we are a divided country.
Are you staying on as a senator?
Yes, because it will be nice to talk sometimes in the Senate to give my views on public issues. I love and care for this country very much like you all, I will do what I can. I believe this country is founded on very simple principles but very strong principles - fairness to all, justice, freedom, all those good things, I will work towards that.
What is the cause of the racial divide?
We have to do something to bring back trust and take action against some people who are bent on creating this division because of their own political agendas. We must overcome this.
You have been hailed as a hero and a man of principle?
I am not a hero, this is exaggeration. If I am a hero, I would have been successful in transforming this country. I just happen to say what I feel and do what I think is right.
What is the most important thing that the prime minister should do to bring some sort of changes?
The one single thing I think, is (for him) to trust the people in this country - all races. If you can’t bring yourself to that level of trust and acceptance, you will always worry if a particular policy will benefit this group or not. You worry whether you will upset certain benefits and privileges you have.
So long as you think sectarian or (along ) racial (lines), if you have too much thinking of that, it’s hard for you to have a policy that reaches out to everyone and applies to all. That psychological barrier has to be overcome.
We have to trust that we are one people and want to build one country and we want to have laws that apply to all.
In that sense, is it time for race-based parties to go?
I said before you can have race-based parties, you can fight for your community but you still can think of the country and common principles which bind us. You don’t have to be narrow-minded or cultivate the feeling of hatred, you have to do the opposite. These changes and reforms are for the country.
What do you have to say about your cabinet colleagues who have criticised you?
To my cabinet colleagues, I think some of them are very fine gentlemen. We have differences of views but there is no hard feelings, I hope to maintain that.
Before the Internal Security Act arrests, has it ever crossed your mind to resign?
Yes, it has crossed my mind a couple of times, even in the early days (of my tenure).
Excerpts taken from Malaysiakini
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Press Conference and It's Underlying Tone....
1) That the BN shall not hinder or prevent their BN MPs from acting in accordance with their conscience, constitutional rights and independent judgment;
2) That the BN government shall not invoke the Internal Security Act to detain any of the MPs who will join Pakatan Rakyat, or any of the present 82 Pakatan Rakyat MPs;
3) That the BN government shall not invoke emergency or police powers, or suspend the constitution, or dissolve parliament in response to our intention to form a new government;
4) That the Barisan Nasional government shall not impose roadblocks and impede the MPs from gaining access to the House of Parliament and the institutions of government.
So far, we only get denial statements from them demanding the name list and etc etc. It is advisable to wait for further reaction from them. Don't rule out those measures mentioned above and other provocative measures. Stay vigilant. be patient and take this opportunity to spend some valuable time with your family.
The Final Push?
Update: 17th Sept 2008The prime minister also described Anwar as a "threat to the country's economy as well as possible threat to security".
"I will not indicate what plan I have," he said when asked if he would act against Anwar.
Now here is his threat... Get ready for some power abuse dramas.Mr. Prime Minister, lets not play with fire here. A threat to national economy? Nothing compare to the rate you and your guys corrupt at the country's coffer. Threat to national security? We don't feel threaten at all by this call. We only felt threatened by your little napoleans instigations esp those by Ahmad Ismail and that Javanese Toyol.
That would narrowed down to one option left for you. Call for a Snap Election as soon as possible. It would be a graceful choice for you. Face saving choice and still get a fighting chance to stay in power. Any dirty tricks from you would shame our country further. Now, that's the threat to our country's economy and security.