Details of the 2009 Budget: Click here and here.. Allow me to provide my layman take here on this 2009 Budget:
what lies in here stays within...
Inilah barisan kita, Yang ikhlas berjuang.
Siap sedia berkorban, Untuk ibu pertiwi!
Sebelum kita berjaya, Jangan harap kami pulang!
Inilah sumpah pendekar kita, Menuju medan bakti!
Andai kata kami gugur semua, Taburlah bunga di atas pusara.
Kami mohon doa, Malaysia berjaya!
Semboyan telah berbunyi, Menuju medan bakti!
Now, how i wish i was there that night to rejoice with fellow anak anak bangsa Malaysia. I know the feeling would have been more intense. Just like the one in March 8th where millions of united Malaysian went through that beautiful euphoric feeling.. Yeah, moments like this makes me more Malaysian.
Anwar 31579
Meanwhile, we wait for the outcome of this by-election. I would say Anwar shall prevail with a minimal majority of 10,000 votes. The upside remains unpredictable as it is dependable on the sabotages that is happening on Ground Zero today itself. Oh, one more thing here. This one goes out to fellow bloggers out there who campaigned relentlessly to bring The People together. Bloggers like RPK, Susan, Haris, Anil and many others who clearly make That Difference out there. My Salute to All of You!!
At the end of the day, the outcome of this by-election would very much be dependable on the maturity and wisdom of the Permatang Pauh's malay folks. The non-malay voters have more or less awakened to BN's 40 years of misdeeds and their votes is for The Change to a Better Malaysia.
God helps us all if the Permatang Pauh's malay folks allow themselves to be duped into Umno lies again.
"Hak-hak orang Melayu tak pernah dicabar oleh orang Cina atau India... Hanya Umno yang rompak hak-hak Melayu demi kepentingan mereka sendiri. Orang Melayu Umno atasan yang kaya saja!! Lihat la sendiri.. saudara saudari Jangan lagi jual bangsa kepada tipu helah Umno."
2. Aid to schools. Government had announced aid for three Tamil primary schools and six Chinese schools.
This is an obvious Act of Power Abuse on BN part using state owned machinery to allay fears onto the Permatang Pauh folks. Don't give us all those shit about this being a routine surveillance. Do we get all these surveillance 365 days a year? And my message to the police is: Don't court around with danger as you put the people's lives at risk. Afterall, our country do have a history of helicopters going down for no reason. Thanks to BN administration habitual purchase of junks at state of art prices. So listen here carefully, Najib. If you have to use dirty tactics through intimidation, do it by all means but do find a better way without putting innocent lives at risk. We, The Rakyat, are different from Altantuya... We will Hold you Responsible should anything goes wrong here. My message here..
Yes right, some of our parents made that mistake by gambling away our future but, enough is enough. Many of us took the gamble during March 8th and will continue to do so and this time it is for our own future and those of our children.
It all boils down to one simple truth... BN had failed the Country and her Rakyat Miserably.
He said this when asked why the consortium has refused to pay the claim.
Azmi said the breakdown of the claim is as follows:
> the original contract price of RM49.9 million
> additional works RM3.4 million
> consultation fees for Halcrow Consultancy Ltd, a British consultant and Leonhardt and Andra, a German consultant, of more than RM14 million and,
> an additional 10% of the cost for PWD site supervision and ground works which works out to RM6.8 million.
PAC members and senior officials of the PWD today visited the MRR2's pillar 28 -- where three pieces of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) straps had snapped on Aug 3 -- and assured the public that a thorough investigation is in progress to identify why this happened. - Extracted in part from The Sun
What does this suit has to do with this recent crack? The suit is to claim from the consortium for all the costs of repairs. Lets not get distracted by this suit thingy. It is meant to divert our attention from the real issue.
The issue here is who is suppose to be responsible for the rehabilitation work of these pillars. From what we gathered earlier, PWD has been entrusted with this responsibility. Now my question is why did PWD decide to go against the advice of Halcrow Consultancy Ltd? And how did the cost of repair ballooned up from RM18M to RM70M?
The suit and the investigation by PAC are 2 different issues. Shouldn't PAC be investigating from this perspective? The manner this investigation was conducted and the efficiency in concluding this case by PAC leaves many questions unanswered.
Lets not go into further details about the suit against the consortium for fear of subjudice. I shall rest my case here.
Malicious code can be hidden in such applications, computer security specialists Nathan Hamiel and Shawn Moyer said at a premier Black Hat conference in Las Vegas.
"I can't necessarily attack Facebook or MySpace, but I can attack their users all day long," Moyer told AFP.
"Don't put anything on a Facebook account that you don't consider public." People are prone to place faith in social networking widgets and links from friends, said Idea Information Security consultant Nathan Hamiel.
"People are going nuts adding applications they don't need," Hamiel told AFP.
"Every time they do that they are showing an implicit trust in whoever wrote the application, and most people don't know who that is."
Hamiel and Moyer showed peers software capable of plundering profile information, swiping people's "friends," or locking people out of their own MySpace pages.
A pair of MySpace engineers who attended the demonstration said that hacks are known risks in today's social platforms and that they had Hamiel's application deleted by the end of the talk.
Fake postings on comment boards advising people to update software are ways to trick social network users into downloading malicious software that can commandeer control of machines, Hamiel said. "Social networks really don't care if you get pawned or not," Hamiel said, using slang referring to a computer user being dominated and humiliated by hackers.
Ms Shahrizat, a former cabinet minister, lost her seat in parliament to Mr Anwar's daughter Nurul Izzah in landmark March elections that handed the opposition unprecedented gains against the ruling coalition.
Interestingly, with recent announcement by certain quarters on the need to have a nuclear power plant and further need to build 12 dams, I can only hope that this recent power outage in Sarawak has nothing to do with these announcements.
If this is not an act of sabotage, then I wonder what is this called. It has been exactly 5 months since the 12th General Election and we are still getting vindicated moves by the federal government to penalise the people over their loss of two-third majority rule at the expense of tourism and now sports is not spared either, not to mention nationhood as a matter of fact. How childish and irresponsible they can be? Perhaps, they are worried that the 5 Pakatan Rakyat rule states are going to dominate again in the medal tallies and thus, the reason for such action is merely to save their 'maruah' from further humiliation.
All looked well and good. For 12M, the much maligned MRR2 could be repaired and open to traffic with Halcrow's input. But there was a bitter battle within the Works Ministry, The PWD revolted. They did not want Halcrow as they have someone else in mind. Those in the know talked about a 'civil war' where the civil servants stood up to the political master and rightly so, spoke their mind.
Even a vociferous "it was decided by the cabinet" line was not acceptable to the 'experts'. The top guns from PWD went to Putrajaya and met the prime minister, requesting that the cabinet decision be reversed. The asking price by the new firm- Leonard Andre and Partners (LAP) was a mere 18M- just 6M more and they were providing space-age technology- carbor fibre to save the cracking pillars.
Wait here's more... Halcrow's statement follows:
The solution adopted by the Works Ministry to repair the original cracks that appeared on the Middle Ring Road II (MRR2) flyover in Kepong on Aug 9, 2004 were "not recommended" by Halcrow Consulting Ltd.
"I would like to emphasise that although Halcrow conducted detailed investigations into the original cause of the cracks, the government went against our advice not to use pre-stressed carbon fibre to strengthen the pillar heads because of its limited ductility (capacity to deform before fracture)," Halcrow engineer Roger Buckby said. So People, ask ourselves whether this is the type governance we want for our country. How many more exposure is needed to open up our eyes and bring us together and push forward for a change to stop this rot once and for all? Their appetite has escalated beyond the inflation rate while our salaries growth lack behind. For 52M, can we have some names here please? Thanks, Samy for answering my question on how the 70M was spent.
They also allege that teacher had said the community youth ‘did not have testicles', ‘always menstruates' and indulged in thuggery and theft.
The teacher in the Hulu Langat school had also purportedly beaten some Indian students and punished them with push ups if they were late for class.
The Form Four student in his report said students were "ashamed and embarrassed" by these incidents.
"She told the Indian students to stand up and said she wanted to test how we would react to the word ‘keling pariah'.
"We said we did not like it and she raised her voice and repeatedly called us ‘keling pariah' and wrote the words on the blackboard," his report stated."
Lets get back to this topic. Isn't it ironic for this scumbag (waste product of ketuanan melayu) who was entrusted by the Umno government to uphold the integrity of our education system could make these racist remarks. This incident further prove the rot in Umno led government system. This really makes me wonder how Umno is going to move this country forward with their rotten system.
This brainless scumbag was indeed lucky that she was dealing with a more matured and civilised society. God knows what would have been the consequences should this situation happened the other way around.
Those affected did well for not taking law into their own hands. So now it is up to the authorities to take necessary action against racism of this magnitude. They should take into account on what could have happen if this incident goes out of control. Yes right, we are talking about someone here instigating and stirring racial tension. Dangerous, indeed!! A sacking would not measure up to the embarassment and mental anguish that these youngsters faced from such low rated remarks.
And i am no supporter of draconian ISA but since it is still in existence.. what the heck!! This scumbag definitely deserve ISA treatment more than anyone else, even those in detention. Update 12th August 2008 The MIC Youth education bureau is irked by how a teacher who hurled stinging racial remarks at her students had been let off the hook.