"The five Pakatan Rakyat state governments are outraged that the Youth and Sports Ministry excluded them from a recent high-powered Sukan Malaysia (Sukma) council meeting and are demanding an explanation from Youth and Sports Minister Ismail Sabri Abdul Yaakob over the matter". -Reported in MalaysiaKini
If this is not an act of sabotage, then I wonder what is this called. It has been exactly 5 months since the 12th General Election and we are still getting vindicated moves by the federal government to penalise the people over their loss of two-third majority rule at the expense of tourism and now sports is not spared either, not to mention nationhood as a matter of fact. How childish and irresponsible they can be? Perhaps, they are worried that the 5 Pakatan Rakyat rule states are going to dominate again in the medal tallies and thus, the reason for such action is merely to save their 'maruah' from further humiliation.
So this is the kind of quality that NEP and their ketuanan melayu agenda has bred this far. No wonder our country is in shambles now.
I am truly disgusted at their actions so far and I don't expect any reasonable explanation from them on this exclusion from national sports meet. Any explanation from here onwards will propel this country to further humiliation- a laughing stock to the world. What is sickening is that they feel so bloody proud of their actions. So much I can say about them for trying to maintain their 'maruah'. On the other hand, I am happy with the rate they are killing themselves with each vindicated moves of theirs. Keep It Up, Umno! And Make My Day!
If they call it Sukma, as in Sukan Malaysia, then they damn well include the 5 states in their meetings.
If the only states that are included for the meetings are the states ruled by BN, then they may as well call it the Sukban (Sukan BArisan Nasional) or something to that extent.
These people need to grow up.
I dont think this is about UMNO. I dont know why you made this to be an UMNO issue.It is about the sport ministry doing something. Hmmm
Thats a good one! SUKBAN.. I was think of Malaysia PR vs MAlaysia BN along the way.
Ridiculous, isn't it?
I am lost of words here. I dunno how to further comment on your statement except that BN is all about Umno. MCA and MIC have become irrelevant since March 8th.
So that makes our Youth and Sports MInistry very Umno too.
Please do exercise some of your mind power before you make your comment.
wow, you must be using too much of your brain cells before that you dont have much left now!
You cant even differentiate between a govt function/activity and a political party function/activity.
So you are saying, if the Ministry of housing whose minister is a mca chap, whatever that minister decides is an umno decision? So too the other Ministries who has a non umno minister?!
Hmmmmm. Yup, you need to have more brain cells!
Helo Pak Cik Whisperer begitu mencintai Malaysia...Sememangnya saya selalu datang membaca pos-pos tuan yang ditulis dengan perasaan yang begitu jujur untuk membangunkan rakyat Malaysia agar kepentingan perubahan demi kebaikan dan kemakmuran negara.
Hai...Pak Cik...Hatiku berdarah hari ni apabila ku membaca blog Pak Cik kerana kini di blog pak cik terdapat blogger yang ingin menghentam pak cik dan lain-lain blogger yang tidak bersalah dengan gaya dan hasrat yang penuh dengan perasaan dengki, cemburu dan nilai-nilai yang memalukan!!!!
Apabila saya membaca hujah-hujah yang dikemukakan tanpa logik dan tanpa perasaan hormat untuk rakyat Malaysia...apabila saya membaca kenyataan blogger tu yang menghinakan keupayaan mental dan intelek tuan, saya harap dia akan membaharui kebatinannya agar bersopan-santun dan menunjukkan kehormatan kepada setiap orang tanpa mengira ras, agama atau kelas.
Hatiku memang sakit kerana terdapat blogger tu yang suka mengepos komen-komen negatif di blog orang lain walaupun blognya sendiri penuh dengan kesalahan dari segi struktur perjalanan bahasa, tanda baca dan sebagainya. Malangnya isi pun berkurangan lagi menghina kaum wanita!!! Tengoklah kenyataan negatif seperti ni yang tersiar di blognya seperti“OMG, YOU SUCK!” atau “I have this general view that malay women nowadays are getting shorter and "rounder".”
Adakah seorang yang mempunyai sikap begini berhak untuk memberi komen di blog seperti Pak Cik Whisperer yang sering menulis untuk membanteras ketidakseimbangan social dan politik di Malaysia?
Nasihatku bagi orang yang berperangai dan bersikap begitu ialah biarlah kita jaga blog kita sendiri dan manjamin KUALITI BAHASA dan KUALITI PENULISAN…Jikalau tidak berupaya menulis atau berblog dalam Bahasa Inggeris, tulislah dalam Bahasa Melayu! Saya hairan kerana blogger tu tidak tahu mengguna APOSTROPHE pun dalam ‘contractions’ seperti ‘don’t/can’t’...dia menulis ‘dont/cant’!!!
Jangan mengisi masa lapang dengan menghentam orang lain dengan matlamat untuk mengeji blogger lain seperti Pak Cik Whisperer. Masa itu emas! Gunakannya untuk matlamat yang suci dan bernilai murni. Gunakan masa untuk memperkuatkan keupayaan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan memastikan bahawa blog sendiri penuh dengan pos-pos yang bermutu, bergaya dan berkualiti dan yang mempunyai isi intelektual dengan menunjukkan fikiran yang matang.
Ingatilah ajaran ibu bapa dan agama dan mendidik anak-anak agar menjadi insan yang baik. Setiap insan memangnya tidak berhak untuk menghitung samada Pak Cik atau sesiapapun mempunyai atau berkurangan"brain cells" atau tidak. Jikalau ingin menjadi pahlawan, ikutlah jejak Hang Tuah atau Hang Jebat yang berjuang demi kepentingan Negara. Saya hanya pemuda Malaysia tetapi saya hormat Pak Cik Whisperer. Terima kasih Pak Chik atas perjuangan Pak Cik.
They are indeed sore losers. They can't bear the thought of Pakatan Rakyat having a say in the decisions they are making. The only thing they care about is power and nothing else.
I hope UMNO led government continue to screw themselves with all these "wonderful" decisions. They will be "rewarded" very soon.
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