Monday, November 17, 2008

PJ Vigil: A Remarkable Recovery...

An amazing comeback! At least 200 people from all walks and of all age, cast away their fear last night and come out in solidarity to protest against the draconian ISA, totally undeterred by last Sunday's police thuggery acts.

"This is easily the sweetest vigil I have attended so far for it gives us a sense of victory over those odds that have been stacked against us. And that, made this vigil more meaningful. Yeah.. The People prevail again. Our Spirit remains unbroken. This is the heartening factor and I am extremely happy". - The Whisperer

That's about all I could summed it up. As a habitual backbencher who prefer to observe from a distance and mingling around with fellow staunch supporters and new ones, I cannot provide a detailed report as to what was been said in those speeches. Click Steest, kkitsam and pengthots for better account. There were teary eyes around. Must have been hit by this euphoria for the first time. Or perhaps by the sense of victory or maybe, the Oneness feeling.

Haris and Councilor Richard

Bloggers in Solidarity

Pete enjoying his Davidoff

This Angel Came and Stole My Heart

Beauty with Passion

The Dynamic Speaker

Well wishers' favourite

What was that joke all about?

(Pics courtesy of DelCapo, Steest and MarkSmith)

"This is the Malaysia that I know and love. This is the Malaysia I remember as I was growing up. Without prejudice for racial background, colour discrimination, or religious ideologies, is how we should meet and greet one another - not only at vigils but every time". - Estrelita Soliano Grosse

More Pics here: ShanghaiFish, DelCapo, Sivin Kit and People Parliament.

Video courtesy of Pahlawan Volunteers


SFGEMS said...

Yeah, what was that joke about? Share, come on, share!!!!

Enjoyed your blog, as always!


TheWhisperer said...


Cant share the joke here as it is seditious in nature.

Will text you. Wild stuff. Just look at Nat!! DelCapo started it. I perfected it.

Anonymous said...

yup definitely one of the best vigil to date. The turn out was great, no more chicken around i guess. see you again next sunday :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a video, Part 1 of 6 of the PJ Vigil.
Comments by RPK, Bernard Khoo and a couple of senior citizens

Stay tuned for the rest in the process of being uploaded.
Feel free to share, no permission required. :)

With love from Pahlawan Volunteers
"Negara Kita Tanggungjawab Kita"
– From conviction to action

TheWhisperer said...


Thanks for your video link. I dropped by Pahlawan Volunteers and was impressed with your team's effort in promoting 'Negara Kita TanggungJawab Kita' cause.

Thanks for your guidance.

The Whisperer